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Belbin Team Roles

This tool helps individuals to understand the role that they bring to the team. By understanding our team strengths and weaknesses, organizations can leverage their teams to higher performance.


The assessment can be just a self, but the power is in the 360 which lets you know how others see your role on the team.


A team report is available which lets a team see if they are missing a role and what they can do to strengthen the team.


Five Dysfunctions of a Team

Building teams, improving collaboration and increasing levels of trust makes for great teams.  The Five Dysfunctions of a Team will turn your team around.  The workshop is based on the leadership fable that highlights the dysfunctions of a team. After reading the book, you will see yourself in the story.  There is a team assessment that gets teams to pinpoint their opportunities and strength.  Workshop by Patrick Lencioni



The Leadership Practice Inventory (LPI)

“Leadership Practices Inventory® (LPI®), a 360-degree assessment tool by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner. Based on The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership® model, the 360-degree assessments and facilitator materials illuminates both the effectiveness of your leaders and the level of commitment, engagement, and satisfaction of those that follow.” (

Leadership Development


Thomas- Kilmann Conflict Instrument

The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) assesses an individual’s behavior in conflict situations.  This models helps individuals and teams to understand the five conflict modes, which ones they rely upon and how to better handle conflict.


Custom Assessments

Based on client’s needs, customized assessments can be developed to address your specific needs.

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