ISBN: 978-0-9748-738-2-4
Our lives are full of many illuminations, which we often miss because we don’t take time to reflect. Words for Women – From A to Z is an inspirational journal filled with words to motivate, invigorate and inspire women to live and enjoy life to its fullest potential. Transform what could be seen as a negative or challenging situation into one that is positive and uplifting. Our words can lift us up or pull us into despair. We always have a choice. Read and reflect on these words and see what a difference it will make in your life. If you want to make this a year long journey, then take one word and read, reflect and write about it for 2 weeks before moving on to the next one. There is no right way to read this journal, just do it!
What Other People are saying
“You have literally and figuratively changed my work and my world from A to Z.”
“I keep going back through this journal and always find inspiration.”
“Words cannot express what this book meant to me at this point in my life."
“I have been letting your journal inspire me, like spices ripening in a paella or stew.”
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